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​How It Works
Tell us a few words about
What are your goals on the platform, what excites you. The more you share (work experience, education) the better others can understand what you are looking for.
Set your Match Criteria to find
the most relevant connections.
Find your best connections by filtering through what matters the most for you. Be open though, you never know which conversation sparks your interest.
Start Swiping!
We all know this one 😊. If you both swipe right, it’s a Connection!
Schedule 1:1s or organize and join events to expand your network and make friends
Create or join events, schedule 1:1s, or stick to messaging to better understand each other’s goals.
Your Career Starts Here!
Choose the right jobs, and we'll show you the ones that best match your resume.
​Contact Us
Our trajectories are neither linear nor unique! You don’t have to figure out your journey alone. Connect with those who get your story
​Early Access
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